Saturday, July 21, 2012

Image of the South African Flag: credited to

Observations in Port Elizabeth so far:

1. There is a McDonald's.

(I went to McDonald's for dinner the other day and it taste's exactly like the McDonald's back home in the U.S.)

2. Credit Card Swipe

(In South Africa, you have to watch the employer or server swipe your card in front of you. It is not acceptable to allow the server to take your card and swipe your card where the individual can not see them.

3. KFC

In Port Elizabeth, there are several KFC restaurant's and all of them deliver. Some of the KFC restaurant's in the area are open 24 hours. It amazes me that it too, taste exactly like the KFC at home in the U.S.

4. Grocery Stores

The items in the grocery stores are extremely different. A lot of the food items do not contain preservatives, therefore the expiration dates are much shorter than they are in the U.S. For instance, fresh bread expires in a few days if it is not refrigerated.

There is no such thing as eggs being in a cooler in the grocery stores here. Also, I have yet to see white shells on eggs. All of the eggs sold have brown shells. And they are sitting in room temperature areas located around the store.

French Fries- The french fries in SOuth Africa are known as chips. If you ask for french fries most individuals would not know what you are talking about.

South African Time- Everything in South Africa feels like an hour behind. Servers take quiet a long time to get the food and drinks to the table. In addition, if you never ask for the bill, it may never come. It is important to ask for the bill if you are in a dine-in restaurant.

I will continue to add more to this list but for now, this is what I have observed.

1 comment:

D Marie said...

Very interesting to hear about south African lifestyle. I look forward to reading more! What about drugstores, any familiar companies?