Saturday, June 23, 2012

Abroad in South Africa 2012

Hello Viewer's,

My name is Samorra Dower and I am a recent graduate of Ohio University. I have been honored to study abroad this summer in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. During my stay I will be working with Non-Governmental Organizations who assist with supplying medicine to individuals who are suffering from HIV/AIDS, in which a large majority of people in South Africa are either affected or infected with the illness. In addition, these organizations help educate individuals in local villages on what HIV/AIDS is and how they can prevent themselves from getting the disease.

Aside from my daily work, I am interested in blogging this entire experience to give viewer's an idea of what South Africa is like through the eyes of the people who live there. Also, several photos, videos, and  interviews will be posted  so that you, as the viewer, may be able to form your own opinion on what South Africa is like to you. Therefore I encourage each and every one of you to take a moment and comment on what your personal opinions are about South Africa. I appreciate your time and respect your opinions, so please feel free to elaborate.

I look forward to taking you all on this life changing journey!


Samorra Sasha` Dower